[No X in Nixon]拿,上次都講,50年前嘅8月15日,人類史上一件大事。同尼克遜有關。
TLDR:50年前今日,金本位制死亡,美金從此任印。金融成為顯學,ibanker身大升,全世界變得金融化。後來咩列根戴卓爾佛利民Big Bang楊懷康李兆富(?)之後後人乘涼。樓價股價金價從此大升,亦都造成埋廣場協定日圓升值(然後爆煲),甚至亞洲金融風暴同墨西哥阿根廷爆煲。你話影響深唔深遠?但,成件事前因後果係點?點解美金任印反而加強美元地位?呢啲根本係尼克遜最初都唔會料到嘅。Patreon會細講
一週年!月頭訂最抵!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 上次講,話佢燒咗個森林,促成快意汽車誕生。冇老點你,你睇呢張圖真係講Happy 50th fiat,FIAT仲唔係快意汽車?
2. 爛gag玩完,應該有啲常識嘅(不過我發現好多人係冇嘅,除咗我啲讀者),都知道,fiat呢度唔係指快意汽車,FIAT係簡寫,Factory Italy Automobile Torino(冇錯,祖雲達斯!)。好多讀者都知,呢度嘅fait 係拉丁文,let it be done,中文即係「我話係就係」。係指fiat money,法幣,「我話值錢就值錢」,的確係咁上下。
3. 剛剛就係「法幣」誕生50年,你想像唔到,其實只係咁短歷史。正如你想像唔到,單車都只係200年歷史左右,同汽車唔爭好多。所以多啲同啲老嘢傾計,我都係同你老嘢傾計先知未有法幣前嘅世界係點的。冇錯可以睇書,但唔同嘅
4. 而尼克遜燒咗嘅森林,亦都唔少人知。Bretton Woods.尼克森 50年前基本上廢除咗Bretton Woods 體系,即係乜?即係金本位制,Gold Standard.之後嘅事?雖然唔係100%準確,但你大約可以理解為,從此江湖多事,美金(仲有馬克英鎊日圓法郎)任印。
5. 正如上篇文講,呢個亦都開始咗一個全新嘅年代。高度金融化嘅年代—你問啲老嘢就知,50年前做銀行做ibanker(50前當然有ibank),十分腌悶,幫鐵路發下債架咋。嗰時做石油做鋼鐵先係王道。標準石油,卡內基。但打後50年,金融變咗顯學。人人發夢做ibanker,正如而家個個想做KOL想做start up
6. 仲有,呢個決定亦都鞏固咗Pax Americana—美國帶頭唔玩呢個金本位,邊個有得出聲?打後當然係de facto嘅美元本位,把口最反美嘅南美佬中東佬大陸佬,個個都拎美金。
7. 證據?大把。你睇美國GDP佔全球已經不停跌,但美元佔儲備,或者美股佔全球,都係穩如泰山。
8. 仲有?你可以睇下,1971年之後嘅美股,回報好過1971年之前好多—呢個係相當違反定律嘅。正路你以為經濟開始成熟,開始大,會放慢。但偏偏美股唔係。
9. 尼克遜在美國,都算係聲名幾狼藉。話晒係唯一一個任內辭職嘅總統(但留意,佢從冇畀人彈劾過)。事後睇,呢單脫離金本位制,真係佢任內得意之作,打下之後50年嘅基礎
10. 但當然歷史冇如果,本人基本上肯定,佢只係撞棍,完全唔知道後來嘅翻天覆地變化。事實上,最初呢個「廢除金本位」只係暫時性質,佢宣佈美金停止兌黃金,因為不能畀人覺得佢只係靠嚇。原本係想之後回復返個森林嘅。但正如森林大火一樣,一發不可收拾,後來嘅發展,都不在佢預計之中。
11. 呢度都只係皮毛,introduction.你知而家啲人幾咁懶幾咁乜都要即食,懶人包,最好10秒講完,因為A所以B然後C。咁你咪越嚟越笨咯。尼克遜呢個決定,真係改變咗世界,但好少人會提。因為太深,又好難形象化。例如你見阿甘正傳之類(呢排NetFlix重睇),只會講越戰,登月,尼克遜訪華,甚至有啲會講珍珠港,美蘇冷戰,古巴導彈危機。好多人心中呢啲先係定義美國嘅事,但好人會諗到金本位。
12. 金本位制點樣成立,然後崩潰,然後帶嚟嘅影響,我會在Patreon開篇新文講。可能係下星期日(今日講咗8號仔 VIUTV先),可能係周中。當然只會畀Patreon讀者,你可以訂定,或者到我出咗都會再tease一次嘅。
13. 今次就唔使好似巴塞文咁夠人睇我先寫。首先一定夠人,二來Patreon讀者有付費嘛。即係你話如果寫篇巴塞文出嚟,又用咗寫間又冇金錢得益都算,但如果仲要冇人睇甚至畀人屌,就自取其辱啦。幸好篇文反應都好好,多謝大家。
14. Stay Tuned。
15. 話時話,1899人了,快手整埋上1900,月尾就到2000吧。咁我就可以……挑戰3000人咯。唔係點?
16. 順手我想最後講多句,你學校教嘅,真係食屎的。我已經係讀港大同Warwick,都係咁同你講。其他雞校更加係得啖笑,居然仲可以生存?我識嘅絶大多數嘢,一係在馮平山(再講一次,馮平山唔係一座山,係一個人)睇書,一係後來做嘢學,更加多係近十幾年睇鬼媒同埋自己在market學嘅。我寫幾篇文,好撚過你讀個Finance Degree。真喎,佢點教你金本位制?真係食撚屎的。廢都算,仲要悶嘛。
17. 我幾時都話,我啲文,最好就幫你搵到錢,be it 你投資賺到,搵工有用,或者有人幫你應付啲工作問題你可以拆掂上司同客然後專心踩地雷,乜都好。幫唔到你搵錢嘅,至少都令你識多啲嘢。就算幫唔到你識多啲嘢(其實冇乜可能),你至少都得啖笑嘛。
18. 又幫唔到人搵錢,又廢,又悶嗰啲,我真係唔知點生存的。但正因為有呢啲人,我先生存到咯。
一週年!月頭訂最抵!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428萬的網紅emi wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SUPER FUN 10-min Full Body Fat Burn Dancing to K-POP! Mic Drop by BTS, Boombayah by Blackpink, Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang ♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEO...
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Thai Glass Noodle Salad Recipe, Yum Woon Sen
Recipe: http://cicili.tv/thai-glass-noodles-salad-recipe
Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles because of its genuinely happy and welcoming people. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, and that is where I called home for 8 years of my childhood.
One of my favorite Thai dishes is Yum Woon Sen. It is a beloved Thai salad dish. The word Yum literary translates to “mix,” and it refers to a type of Thai salad. The words Woon Sen means glass noodles. Therefore, Yum Woon Sen is Glass Noodle Salad.
I remember eating Yum Woon Sen in Thailand all the time. It is a dish that every home cook knows how to cook by heart. I had eaten it in school, over street food stalls, and in luxurious restaurants.
Although they all made with similar ingredients, the tastes can be slightly different from one place to another. And one of my favorites was at a food stall in front of a giant shopping center, The Mall Bang Kapi.
After coming to the United States, Yum Woon Sen became a dish that I must order in every Thai restaurant that I visited, and yet I never found one that’s perfect to my palate, like the one in front of The Mall Bang Kapi.
I told my husband about my quest to find the perfect Yum Woon Sen. One day, he piled up all the ingredients for the dish on our kitchen counter. He was determined to make the perfect Yum Woon Sen for me. And for the next 30 minutes, he cast his charm and magic over the dish. Although he looked calm, sweat was dripping down from his forehead.
Surprisingly, he presented me with a taste that is so familiar and yet I have not eaten for the longest time. It is the taste that I missed dearly.
To me, it is the taste of Thailand, the taste of smiles. It is so refreshing and has a perfect balance of savory, citrusy, sweet, and spicy. I believe Yum Woon Sen will also become your family’s favorite salad dish and brighten up everyone.
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The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True?
作者: Richard Dawkins
譯者: 黃煜文
繪者: 戴夫.麥金
// Back to those dinosaurs. How do we know that they once roamed the Earth? We have never seen them or heard them or had to run away from them. Alas, we don’t have a time machine to show them to us directly. But here we have a different kind of aid to our senses: we have fossils, and we can see them with the naked eye. Fossils don’t run and jump but, because we understand how fossils are formed, they can tell us something of what happened millions of years ago. We understand how water, with minerals dissolved in it, seeps into corpses buried in layers of mud and rock. We understand how the minerals crystallize out of the water and replace the 【materials】 of the corpse, 【atom by atom,】 leaving some trace of the original animal’s form imprinted on the stone. So, although we can’t see dinosaurs directly with our senses, we can work out that they must have existed, using indirect evidence that still ultimately reaches us through our senses: we see and touch the stony traces of ancient life.
1a. //We understand how the minerals crystallize out of the water and replace the materials of the corpse, atom by atom, leaving some trace of the original animal’s form imprinted on the stone.
(後記:感謝讀者 @ Michelle Wen〔小說譯者兼資深校稿人〕指出materials的誤譯。)
1b. Atom by atom,從英文的寫法看,應當修飾前句的「取代」(replace),不是修飾後句的「leave some trace」。
// In a different sense, a telescope can work like a kind of time machine. What we see when we look at anything is actually light, and 【light takes time to travel.】 Even when you look at a friend’s face you are seeing them in the past, because the light from their face takes a tiny fraction of a second to travel to your eye. Sound travels much more slowly, which is why you see a firework burst in the sky noticeably earlier than you hear the bang. When you watch a man chopping down a tree in the distance, there is an odd delay in the sound of his axe hitting the tree.
2. 這個錯誤不必多解釋,很爆笑,但非提出來不可:
「光可以帶著時間旅行」,正確意思應該是「光的旅行(穿越空間)需要時間」。takes time (花時間)想像成擬人化的「攜帶時間」,真的很有趣。同一段下一兩句譯者卻又恢復神智,寫出「光從他們臉上到達我們的眼睛需要時間」。
「帶著X旅行」也是一本書名:Umberto Eco有本趣味散文集「帶著鮭魚去旅行」,張定綺譯,好像是從義大利文的英譯版再轉譯成中文。艾柯愛玩語言,那本書翻譯的挑戰很大。
// Are there really aliens in outer space? We’ve never seen or heard them. Are they a part of reality? Nobody knows; 【but we do know what kind of things could one day tell us if they are.】 If ever we got near to an alien, our sense organs 【could tell us about it.】 Perhaps somebody will one day invent a telescope powerful enough to detect life on other planets from here. Or perhaps our radio telescopes will pick up messages that could only have come from an alien intelligence. For reality doesn’t just consist of the things we already know about: it also includes things that exist but that we don’t know about yet - and won’t know about until some future time, perhaps when we have built better instruments to assist our five senses.
3. 真是鬼扯的翻譯!
// But we do know what kind of things could one day tell us if they are.
But we do know 但我們確知:
what kind of things could one day tell us 什麼東西可以在未來的某一天告訴我們
if they are. 外星人是否存在
(=if they are a part of reality.外星人是否是現實的一部分)
4. 下一句也一模一樣,完全未提外星人的長相,爲何譯者那麼執念於外星人的長相?
// If ever we got near to an alien, our sense organs could tell us about it.
這裡,got near 是與現實相反的虛擬語氣,表示作者認爲我們距離認識、看到外星人還很遙遠。單單譯成「如果」也不夠力,可以說「萬一、萬一真的」。
5. 更基本的英文理解失能,是這個:it 指的是「our getting near to an alien」即條件句的內容,翻譯怎麼會瞎扯為「外星人的長相」呢?
// Atoms have always existed, but it was only rather recently that we became sure of their existence, and it is likely that our descendants will know about 【many more things that, for now, we do not.】 That is the wonder and the joy of science: it goes on and on uncovering new things. This doesn’t mean we should believe just anything that anybody might dream up: there are a million things we can imagine but which are highly unlikely to be real - fairies and hobgoblins, leprechauns and hippogriffs. We should always be open-minded, but 【the only good reason to believe that something exists is if there is real evidence that it does.】
原子一直都存在著,但我們知道有原子這個東西卻是相當晚近的事。很可能到了我們子孫的時代,人類【對原子的了解會比現在更深入。】 而這正是科學奇特與令人雀躍之處:科學總是能不斷揭露新的事物。但這不表示任何人夢想的任何事物我們都應該深信不疑:我們可以想像出一百萬件事物,但這些事物卻有可能極不真實,例如仙女與妖精,矮精靈與駿鷹。我們的心胸應該保持開放,【但我們必須要有真憑實據才能相信事物真的存在。 】//
6. 才一下段,又是一個基本英文句的誤解:
// it is likely that our descendants will know about many more things that, for now, we do not.
很可能到了我們子孫的時代,人類對原子的了解會比現在更深入。 //
know about many more things that, for now, we do not 指的不再是原子了,前句的原子只是舉例,告訴我們:很多存在的事物,人類會需要一段時間才知道存在。
7. // the only good reason to believe that something exists is if there is real evidence that it does.
bang up中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的最佳貼文
SUPER FUN 10-min Full Body Fat Burn Dancing to K-POP! Mic Drop by BTS, Boombayah by Blackpink, Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang
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♡Choreographed by Eri (IG: @MissEricaca)
♡Outfit Ideas by Charlotte (IG: @CharlotteLo_)
♡Subtitles added by Zoe Ong
Mic Drop by BTS
Boombayah by Blackpink
Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang
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這是我第一次試騎MT-09。除了動力之外,發現騎乘感覺跟XSR900很不一樣。新款的扭力大師升級了!聽說補足了軟腳前叉的問題之外,也解決了油門反應。加上新的循跡系統,我看MT-09大概是目前最超值的三缸街車。This is my first time test riding an MT-09. Besides the powertrain, the riding dynamic is quite different from XSR900. This time, Master of Torque has levelled up! It's got new forks, throttle map and traction control. Probably the most bang for the buck 3 cylinder street bike that you can find on the market right now.
Bike: Yamaha MT-09 (FZ-09)
Vlog 78 摩托日記第七十八篇
Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once 追蹤 13N Instagram:
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戀習 一個人
戀習 在一起
戀習 說出 我愛你...
Merry Christmas...
All I want for Christmas is you~
我一個人的 X'mas
不 孤 單!!!
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bang up中文 在 [繁體中文] Bang Yong Guk & ZELO - Never Give Up - YouTube 的推薦與評價
[繁體中文] Bang Yong Guk & ZELO - Never Give Up ... 來源:TSENT2008 翻譯參考:translated by [Carnival Night] Renica. 字幕:LYshuan 轉載請註明以上 ... ... <看更多>
bang up中文 在 ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream 中文安利- BURN IT UP 的推薦與評價
3月17日發售的GYROAXIA 1st Album「ONE」收錄的新曲「BURN IT UP」試聽公開! 「BURN IT UP」 作詞:JUON 作編曲:JUON. ... <看更多>